Wednesday, October 30, 2024

6 Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace


“Two heads are better than one.” We’ve all heard the old adage encouraging teamwork, but what does working together really do for you? Salesmen thrive off healthy competition, but sometimes the use of teamwork in the workplace is a better answer for winning sales. Here are six ways that teamwork benefits you in the workplace.

1. Fosters Creativity and Learning

Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. Brainstorming ideas as a group prevents stale viewpoints that often come out of working solo. Combining unique perspectives from each team member creates more effective selling solutions.

What you have learned from your individual experiences is entirely different from your coworkers. Thus, teamwork also maximizes shared knowledge in the workplace and helps you learn new skills you can use for the rest of your career.

Collaborating on a project creates an enthusiasm for learning that solitary work usually lacks. Being able to share discoveries with the rest of your team excites employees and fosters both individual and team knowledge.

2. Blends Complementary Strengths

Working together lets employees build on the talents of their teammates. While your strength may be creative thinking, a coworker might shine in organization and planning. Do not hesitate to share your abilities with the team.

Often, a team works well together because team members rely on each other to bring individual talents to the table. By observing the process behind these skills, you can learn how to combine your gifts and become a stronger team.

Every time you see your coworkers utilize a different approach in sales, you have a chance to adjust or improve your methods.

3. Builds Trust

Relying on other people builds trust, and teamwork establishes strong relationships with coworkers. Despite occasional disagreements, an effective team enjoys working together and shares a strong bond. When you put your trust in a coworker, you are establishing the foundation of a relationship that can endure minor conflicts.

Trusting your teammates also provides a feeling of safety that allows ideas to emerge. It helps employees open up and encourage each other. Open communication is key when working on a team and produces effective solutions in difficult group projects.

Without trust, a team crumbles and cannot succeed on assigned projects. Great teams build each other up and strengthen individual members to create a cohesive group. By working together, employees learn that wins and losses affect everyone on the team. Teamwork necessitates confidence in each other’s distinct abilities.

4. Teaches Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflicts inevitably happen when you put together a group of unique people. Employees come from varied backgrounds and have different work styles and habits. While these unique viewpoints create the most successful work, they can also generate resentment that quickly turns into conflict.

When conflict arises in teamwork situations, employees are forced to resolve the conflicts themselves instead of turning to management. Learning conflict resolution firsthand is a skill that employees can use to become efficient managers down the road.

5. Promotes a Wider Sense of Ownership

Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher level of job satisfaction among employees.

Teamwork is not just helpful for employees. It benefits the employer in the long run as well. Employees that connect directly with their workplace are more likely to stay with the company. While employees leaving their jobs often cite a lacking salary, another common complaint is that their contributions do not seem to matter. Teamwork allows people to engage with the company and add to the bigger picture.

6. Encourages Healthy Risk-Taking

An employee working on a project alone will probably not want to stick their neck out for an off-the-wall idea. If the project fails when working solo, that employee takes the full brunt of the blame. While you may not get full credit for a successful team project, working with other people spreads out the responsibility for a failed assignment.

Working as a team allows team members to take more risks, as they have the support of the entire group to fall back on in case of failure. Conversely, sharing success as a team is a bonding experience. Once a team succeeds together, their brainstorming sessions will produce revolutionary ideas without hesitation. In many cases, the riskiest idea turns out to be the best idea. Teamwork allows employees the freedom to think outside the box.

There may be no “I” in team, but teamwork can still benefit employees on a personal level. Do not allow competitive natures to get in the way of personal growth in the workplace. Instead, understand how to resolve conflicts and trust teammates to contribute their best ideas. Learn from your team members and build on each other’s skills to create more impressive results in the workplace.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Case for Adaptability


“The only thing that is certain in life is change.” This is one adage I have come to strongly associate with my own life. It started early, as a child growing up in a middle class Bengali family that moved around every two or three years. As a result, I shifted schools seven times before heading to a boarding school in the hills. Twenty three years of work life has seen me move 10 jobs and half a dozen cities in India and abroad. But this is hardly unique: change is a way of life for most professionals today. However, while change is a reality of life, it can also be daunting. Think about the ordeal the entire family goes through every time we change a location. It disrupts everything from the spouse’s job, the kids’ school, and one’s social network – the list goes on. The whole rigmarole of relocation takes a toll on everyone.

Coping with change

Business school does not teach us how to cope with this continuum of change. I would strongly argue, though, that sustained success, in one’s personal as well as professional life, is deeply linked to how adaptable one is. In today’s fast-paced, constantly-changing work and personal lives, adaptability is an essential competency. Simply put, there are three ways in which we respond to change: “Take it badly and be negative”; “Be neutral and passive”; or “Embrace change as an opportunity”. Adaptability – which Webster’s Dictionary defines as the “ability to change or be changed in order to fit or work better in some situation or for some purpose” – is what determines how we respond to change and cope with its consequences.

Let us take some examples to understand how adaptability has been critical to progress and success over the years. Germany's rebirth following the annihilation it faced in World War II is nothing short of a miracle. During the war, carpet-bombing by the Allied forces levelled up to 80% of the historic buildings in Germany's main cities. Never before had so much been lost – and yet, never before were there so many new beginnings. Never before had an entire country been rebuilt. Most of the buildings in Germany today were erected after 1948 – indeed a remarkable tale of coping with change.

Over the last two decades, the Internet and mobile devices have completely changed the way we live and work and, as a result, most of us have had to adapt to this wave of change to remain relevant and competitive. Can you imagine a day without your Blackberry, Samsung Galaxy or Apple iPhone, or Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and YouTube?

For long, the fast-paced Australian and Caribbean wickets were a bane for Indian batsmen bred on slow-paced Indian surfaces. Here, again, the key issue is adaptability. Similarly, if you are in South East Asia, you better get used to chopsticks, as I found out the hard way moving into a new role in Vietnam.

Why do some of us adapt better to change while other’s struggle to cope with the challenge? What does it take to be adaptable? There is no formal theory on adaptability. Here are a few simple lessons to help improve our “adaptability quotient”.

Lesson 1: Expect the Unexpected:

For those who believe in meticulous planning, I have some sobering news. There are plans, and then there is reality. While being plan-full is good, it’s prudent to keep in mind that plans are a means to an end, not the end in itself. After all, one often has to change course depending on the situation. The US Marines, for example, train in three key areas: weapons, team and mission. While mission training is based on plans, every commander knows that plans go out the window as soon as the first bullet is fired. The real key, then, is to empower the mission team. The same is true at everyday life, at work and in our personal space, and being prepared for “anything anytime” improves adaptability.

Lesson 2: Don’t Carry Baggage:

All of us carry baggage in the form of past Knowledge, experiences, beliefs, opinions, fears, likes and dislikes. This comes in the way of being open to change, and as we get older, the baggage gets heavier. Mind-space is finite, and in order to learn, we must first unlearn. The ability to adapt is directly linked to how one is able to shed the baggage of the past. It’s like letting go of old furniture. Every time we move locations, my wife and I argue about whether or not to move all our stuff. Initially we moved our things and always realised they did not go well with the new house in a new place. It’s only after a few moves that we have learnt to take the critical personal belongings and shed the rest. “Travelling light” (physically and emotionally) improves adaptability. Those of us who have seen Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara will agree that the movie best exemplifies the point about “letting go”. It’s only when you let go of the past that you create “space” for the future.

Lesson 3: Be a Roman when in Rome:

My wife’s sister lives in New Jersey with her husband and two daughters, who moved there as college students. They have fully integrated into the American way of life, and even celebrate the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas with friends and family. They are truly enjoying the “American dream”. In striking contrast, my sister’s family – she lives with her husband and two daughters in Los Angeles – is more Bong than the most ardent Kolkata Bengali families. They have created a mini Kolkata in LA, and celebrate everything from Pujo to Rabindra Jayanti. The heart is still in India while compulsions like work and kids keep them physically in LA. While I am not judging which model is right here, it does help to move on when a change happens, rather than clinging to the past. Embracing change and letting go of the past improves adaptability.

Lesson 4: Have an Open Mind and Flex your Style:

Nothing I had learnt in all those grinding years of formal education prepared me for what I faced when I moved to my first international assignment in Dubai. With a diverse team of colleagues from China, Colombia, Guatemala, Lebanon, Turkey and the UK, I quickly understood the challenges of managing a diverse team. What worked with my team in India did not work in my new role. I had to flex my style of managing or face failure. Fortunately for me, it all worked out quite well at the end, and I emerged a much more inclusive leader. The key unlock lay in not doing what had worked in the past, but understanding what worked for each of my new team members, and adapting my style to get the best out of them. It was really about “different strokes for different folks”.

Lesson 5: Be Confident but Be Prepared and Stay the Course:

Finally, it’s about “change agility” which is being confident of one’s ability to handle change, while being mentally prepared to overcome the obstacles that are bound to come in the way. In all my change experiences, I have noticed one common phenomenon: it always gets “worse” before it gets “better”. This is true both on the work and the professional front. Every time we move, the family is miserable the first three months, after which things normalise and we start enjoying ourselves. Recognising and being prepared for the challenges that change brings, and then staying the course, are critical elements of adaptability.

Adaptability in the Work Space:

There are some circumstances from the work space which require us to adapt, and it is relevant to discuss a leadership theory that talks directly to the concept of adapting to situations.

The Fiedler Contingency Model was created in the mid-1960s by Fred Fiedler, a scientist who studied the personality and characteristics of leaders. The model states that there is no one best style of leadership. Instead, a leader's effectiveness is based on the situation. This is the result of two factors – “leadership style” and “situational favourableness.” Take the example of a task-oriented leader who moves into a role vacated by a respected and loved person. To be effective, the new leader must curb his or her instincts, and focus on building trust with the team. Similarly, to successfully handle a project that is not well defined, a relationship-oriented leader who has the trust of the team must adapt to a more task-oriented style. In summary, most of us have a dominant leadership style. In order to be effective we must learn to flex our styles according to the need of the situation or project.

Change in our work environment requires us to adapt. This could a change of role or location, a new boss, or new team members. In all my moves, the five lessons that I explained earlier have always stood me in good stead. It’s all in the mind, and the key is to shed the baggage of the past and focus on the merits of the future. I am two months into a new role as CFO for a joint venture company in Vietnam, and I am living the change experience once again. It is early days yet, but I am hoping my change agility will see me through.

The other aspect of adaptability is in the area of business performance. Most organisations today have clearly defined success criteria for business performance, and management rewards and remuneration are closely linked to the delivery of these metrics. Many mid- to senior managers will know only too well the feeling of putting in enormous effort but still ending up with sub-par business KPIs, and therefore low personal rewards. However, one has to adapt to this reality. There is also re-structuring to consider. As old business models come under pressure, most organisations are looking to de-layer and re-size themselves. Outsourcing is a buzzword in staff functions like HR and finance, and change – often disruptive – is a reality in the business world. Organisations, leaders and employees must stay “change agile” by improving their adaptability to succeed in the long run.

Adaptability and the Work Life Balance Continuum:

Here is a fresh perspective on of how we can help address the WLB challenge in a meaningful way. Typically employees like to treat their work and personal “time zones” as two separate and distinct compartments with no overlap. The week is the work zone and the weekend is the personal zone. Dissonance and discord creeps in as soon as the work zone encroaches upon the personal zone. Having spent a number of years working in a multi-cultural environment outside India, I have seen Western professionals handle this dilemma very effectively: instead of thinking about work and life as different “zones”, they look at them in terms of “moments”. There are work moments and there are personal moments. For busy professionals, the unlock lies in being adaptable with work moments in one’s personal zone, and taking advantage of personal moments in the work zone.

Adaptability in the Personal Space:

The benefits of adaptability are not limited to the workplace, but apply equally in one’s personal space. Indeed, it is a life skill. I learnt this early on in life in a boarding school, where I had to adapt to the colder climate, doing things independently, being disciplined or getting punished, living together with 300+ boarders, some of whom turned out to be dear friends for life. Those 8-odd years taught me to be adaptable and ready for whatever life was to bring on. The need to be adaptable is critical in relationships, i.e. with one’s spouse, parents, and children, and it is a two-way street. As one gets older, the need to adapt to health challenges is a reality. The more adaptable we are, the better we handle health issues. Similarly, life is a mixed blessing and one must learn to take the rough with the smooth. It’s our change-agility that makes the journey less painful and more enjoyable. Learning to cope with failure or personal loss and coming back strongly from it is the ultimate adaptability challenge. Finally, I look at our son, who has moved four cities and six schools, straddling Spanish, Tamil and Arabic as a 3rd language, and I see someone who has learn to adapt early in life. We feel bad about the trauma he goes through as he strives to create his identity in a new environment every time we move. At the same time, we are proud of the way he adapts and comes out stronger. Kids adapt the fastest, and we have a lesson or two to learn from them. My wife and I certainly have.

In Conclusion

Adaptability is a much needed life skill that has equal applicability in our work and personal space, and indeed in striking the right balance between the two. The things to keep in mind are being change-agile, learning to let go of past baggage, and staying the course as things gets worse before they get better. There is strong case for adaptability: Simply put, the more adaptable we are, the more enjoyable life’s journey will be.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Monday, October 28, 2024


Becoming a leader is hard! People look up to you for guidance, direction and most importantly, what to do. The pressure is on, and understandably so, you need to make sure that you are on top of your game and that you know a lot about the project so you can break down the work so the rest of the team can help out. It's a tall order and a lot is riding on your shoulders!

Top Down Leadership

What I just described to you in the opening paragraph is what we call "Top down leadership". The reason for this is because in this model the person at the top, the leader, is the one who "knows everything" and delegates the work to everyone below them. But there is one major problem with the doesn't empower people!

What is Empowerment?

Now some of you may be wondering what do I mean by empowerment? Well, according to the Cambridge Dictionary empowerment is
The process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want

Some of you may be thinking that the sheer thought of allowing people to do what they want gives you the chills. But this is exactly what David Marquet talks about in his book Turn the Ship Around. In it he describes his journey in leading the nuclear submarine USS Santa Fe. It was the worst performing vessel in the US Navy. He explains how he turned things around on the vessel to make it the best performing ship in the navy within one year, and he done this by empowering the crew members. He let them to decide what was the best action to take at that moment in time and to state their intentions. This was a novel idea, especially for the Navy, that was built on this top down leadership mentality.

Setup the Rail Guards

For empowerment to work, you need to first have some things in place, some rail guards as so to speak, to prevent the project from going into the gutters. I like to call it the 3 C's


When I talk about competence, I'm talking about being able to do your job and do it well. You need to make sure that you have people who can do their job else the project will surely go into the gutters. Only when you have skilled people who know what they are doing, can you empower them.


Context answers that question of why? Why was something done the way it was? Why was a particular decision made? Without that knowledge, that why, you don't have that "North Star" to guide you to make the right decisions when you reach the proverbial fork in the road.


Lastly, you need to make sure that you are communicating as a team. You need to let each and every person know about anything important as that could affect your context, your why. You need to make as much information as transparent as possible to keep everyone in the loop.

Before we end off this post, I would like to leave you with this quote from David Marquet.
Good leaders give good orders, but great leaders don't give any orders because they've built a team that doesn't need to be told what to do.

That is the beauty of Empowerment!

Just a note. This blog post is an excerpt from my talk titled "What submarines and chickens can teach you about leadership" which I will be presenting at DDD Perth 2019.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

How to measure your organizational authenticity


In a world full of skeptics, fake news and troll farms, the only messages that are getting through are ones that are either infuriating, shocking, hilarious or authentic. And for brands, authentic is a lot easier and less stressful than the other options.

As a result, more and more communicators are looking for ways to measure authenticity, because they know that in order to be successful these days it isn’t enough to be loud, or cheap, or available, or good at customer service. In today’s competitive environment consumers aren’t just looking for value, they’re closely looking at your values—and examining what you do about them, not just what you talk about. So, one of the best ways a company can differentiate itself from the competition is by demonstrating that it is adhering to those values and its core purpose in everything it does.

Which is why, of late, all of my clients include “authentic” as a criterion in their quality scores when looking at their content. This requirement for authenticity has led a number of academics, vendors and suppliers to create various indexes and tools to rate an organization “authenticity.”
As it turns out, studying and measuring authenticity is nothing new; in the early 2000s academics were beginning to develop authenticity scales to determine how “real” an individual was (as opposed, I assume, to being a psychopath or a con artist.)

More recently Yonder, a social intelligence platform introduced an authenticity index that promises to tell you whether your followers are spammy or real based on the distribution of posts among users. Escalent, a market research firm, used a panel research approach to diagnose authenticity based on the characteristics of: “thoughtful, transparent, reliable, committed and socially aware.”

The problem with invented indexes like these is that they may or may not be appropriate to your market, your audiences, your industry or your particular brand.

Whenever I am asked for metrics around authenticity, the conversation inevitable begins: “How do I know if what I’m putting out there sounds authentic?” And my answer is always, “To whom?”

Authenticity is a perception held by the person who is listening to your message and watching what you do. And those perceptions will vary depending on who is listening and the environment in which they are being heard. A consumer hearing from a company that it is fighting climate change by changing its manufacturing and purchasing policies will have very different perceptions of that statement than an investor looking at the balance sheet. So, by necessity, any authenticity metrics are specific to the client.

You need an authenticity sniff test

Authenticity is perceived, so in order to measure it, you need to ask yourself and your stakeholders what they think. While I’m not suggesting you test every piece of content against every stakeholder, your process does need to start with some data.

Start with your team. Before you hit that “Send” button on any content, ask your team to do what I call the “authenticity sniff test.”

More formally, ask them whether they agree or disagree (use a 5-point Likert Scale) with the following statements about whatever campaign, statement or piece of content you are about to release:This is consistent with and accurately expresses our mission, vision, and values.
This reflects something that we do or stand for and reflects who we really are as an organization and a brand.
  • This accurately portrays our strengths and/or weaknesses.
  • It is important to communicate this message, even if others criticize us for saying it.
  • This content hides or disguises our limitations and shortcomings.
  • This content portrays our brand/organization as something other than what it really is.
  • This content portrays something we did in a more positive way than the reality.
Do this for several pieces of content or releases. Then use an average of these scores to compare the results. The ones with the highest authenticity scores can now be tested with a random sample of your external stakeholders. Send or show them one or two of the best pieces of content and then, after they’ve consumed it, ask them if they agree or disagree with the following statements.This content is open and honest.
  • This organization seems willing and able to back up our words with action.
  • This is consistent with the organizations mission, vision, and values.
  • This accurately portrays the strengths and/or weaknesses of the brand/organization/product.
  • I am surprised or shocked by this content.
  • I am more likely to do business with this organization because they seem authentic.
At this point you should have a pretty good idea of what is or is not authentic in your marketplace. The next step of course, is to tag your content and see if it is authentic enough to produce the intended results—i.e., traffic to your website, goal conversions or other expressions of support.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Friday, October 25, 2024

4 Strategies of Dedicated Leaders


In today’s competitive world, every employer is looking to employ dedicated leaders that will grow the company.

Dedicated leaders possess qualities that allow them to overcome barriers they face in their leadership efforts.

They have effective communication, planning, and management skills that help them stand out from the crowd.

If you’re a leader and want to grow your leadership abilities, you should adopt these qualities of dedicated leaders:

1. Implement New Strategies

In order to be a dedicated leader, you must develop strategies that enhance your workplace operations. You must devote sufficient time to examining which strategies are required to boost output.

For this purpose, you will need to inspect what’s going on in your day-to-day leadership.

Determine the tasks that are not going smoothly and take the initiative to improve them. In this way, you will generate more opportunities by implementing new strategies.

2. Know the Targets

Being dedicated means that you must know the goals and objectives of your company. When you know the company goals, you can move in the right direction to meet them.

Otherwise, you and your team members waste time and company resources on operations that are not essential for growth.

To be an effective leader, you have to analyze the big picture of the company before implementing new strategies.

By doing this, you will successfully achieve the objectives of your company and utilize resources in the right manner.

3. Keep Balance

Just like new strategies are necessary for the growth of the company, proper balance is essential for the growth of dedicated leaders.

Very often, it becomes difficult for leaders to make the right decision, in a timely manner, because of work pressure.

But by maintaining the proper balance, you can easily tackle working stress and steer your teammates in the right direction.

If you don’t address your work life in a balanced way, it will become a daunting challenge to accomplish all of your objectives and still meet deadlines.

Therefore, develop strategies that will balance your workload and enable you to achieve your goals.

4. Focus on Work

One of the best qualities of dedicated leaders is their work focus. They focus on their work to enhance productivity and strive to motivate their team members and improve their productivity.

If you want to boost your career, focus on your piece of the overall company goals and objectives, and maximize your team’s performance.

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Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Thursday, October 24, 2024

What is Decision Making? 7 Important Steps of Decision Making Process


is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, influencing everything from the everyday choices of what to eat for breakfast to the complex deliberations that shape our careers and personal relationships. Whether it’s an individual pondering a personal decision or an organization strategizing its next move, making a decision is universal and vital.

In this article, we will discuss what decision-making is, what are the 7 steps of a decision-making process, and more.

Table of Content

What is Decision Making?

Decision-making is an integral part of everyday life and a crucial component of management in organizations. It involves selecting the best action from various options by considering resources, outcomes, and personal preferences. This process includes identifying a situation, gathering and analyzing information, evaluating the pros and cons, and choosing a path forward. Decisions, whether made through rational analysis or instinct, significantly affect all involved parties.

Effective decision-making, which entails evaluating all possible outcomes and choosing the most beneficial one, is essential for personal, professional, and organizational success. Conversely, poor decisions can lead to losses and tarnish reputations. Thus, developing a structured approach to decision-making is vital for achieving favorable outcomes.

7 Effective Steps of Decision-Making

1. Identifying the Decision

The initial step in decision-making is identifying the precise issue that needs resolution or the query that demands an answer. It’s essential to accurately define the decision at hand. Incorrectly identifying the problem or choosing an overly broad issue can derail your decision-making efforts from the get-go. For goals associated with the decision, ensure they are quantifiable and bound by time.
2. Collecting Relevant Information

Once the decision has been indetified, the next phase involves collecting relevant information to that decision. This includes an internal review to understand past successes and failures within your organization that relate to your decision. Additionally, acquiring information from external sources, such as academic research, market analysis, or possibly feedback from consulting services, is crucial. However, be wary of information overload, as it can overwhelm and complicate the decision-making process.

3. Exploring Possible Alternatives

Armed with the relevant data, it’s now time to outline potential solutions to your problem. Typically, there are several avenues to consider for achieving a goal. For instance, if the aim is to boost social media engagement, alternatives could range from investing in paid social ads, tweaking your organic social media tactics, or employing a blend of both strategies.

4. Evaluating the Alternatives

Having pinpointed several potential solutions, the next step involves assessing the merits and demerits of these alternatives. Review past instances of success within similar contexts, and analyze your organization’s past achievements and setbacks. Evaluate the risks associated with each option against the potential benefits.

5. Making a Choice

This stage is where the actual decision is made. Ideally, by this point, you’ve clearly identified the decision to be made, gathered all necessary information, and considered various possible directions. Now, you’re equipped to make an informed choice.

6. Implementing the Decision

With the decision made, it’s time to act. Formulate a plan to bring your decision to fruition. Create a detailed project plan based on your decision, assigning specific tasks to members of your team to execute the plan effectively.

7. Evaluating the Outcome

After a set period, which was determined in the first step, revisit your decision to evaluate its effectiveness. Did it address the problem? Did it achieve the intended goal? If the answer is yes, document the successful strategies for future reference. If not, take this as a learning opportunity to refine your decision-making process for future endeavors.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Leadership Resilience: Handling Stress, Uncertainty, and Setbacks


How to Be a More Resilient Leader

Over the past few years, we’ve been reminded that change is ongoing, plans unravel, and expectations aren’t always met.

Work priorities shift, players change. And for many of us, work will likely never return to a pre-pandemic “normal.” People who can’t handle a fast pace or uncertainty are less likely to feel motivated at work and more likely to become overwhelmed.

And, of course, stress isn’t limited to the office; personal setbacks and crises don’t go away just because work is already difficult. Young children and aging parents can squeeze mid-career professionals. And no matter what anyone says about keeping home life and work life separate, or trying to find “balance,” pressure from one easily seeps into the other.

That’s why resilience — maintaining equilibrium under pressure — is among the most important skills for leaders at all levels to master.

The question isn’t how can you avoid difficulty and stress — that’s nearly impossible to do. Rather, the question is, How do you face it?

All of us can benefit from improving our leadership resilience — making us better able to face a crisis, recover, and adapt.

3 Practices to Build Your Leadership Resilience

At CCL, we advocate for these 3 best practices to build your resiliency:

1. Manage your personal energy.

Control your own resistance. “Show up,” give your best, and relinquish attachment to the outcome. Stay in the present.

2. Shift your lenses.

Take charge of how you think about adversity. Understand your beliefs about the situation, and choose your response. Exercise compassion for yourself and others.

3. Find your sense of purpose.

Develop a “personal why” that gives your life meaning. This helps you better face setbacks and challenges. Also, look for ways that crisis and adversity may connect to your larger life purpose. Lessons can be gleaned from hardships.

How to Be More Resilient: Take Better Care of Yourself

Our ability to cope with stress, illness, and change is improved when we make time for wellness and take better care of ourselves. These are a few ideas we share with our participants to help them build their leadership resilience:

5 Self-Care Tips for Leadership Resilience

1. Get enough sleep.

What can you do to conserve energy? Get between 7.5 and 8.5 hours of sleep each night. Set a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. Disconnect — and park those devices far from the bed. Create a relaxing environment that’s dark, cool, and quiet. Prioritize sleep, because it’s directly connected to productivity.

2. Prioritize exercise.

What can you do to increase your physical energy? Exercise and leadership are closely linked. During the workday, get up and move every 90 to 120 minutes. Suggest a walking meeting. Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator.

3. Play brain games.

What can you do to overcome mental fatigue and exhaustion? Learn anything new. Solve a challenging puzzle. Find positive distractions such as hobbies or meditation.

4. Control your emotions.

What can you do to become more conscious of emotional triggers? Figure out who and what pushes your buttons. Step away, slow down, or enlist an ally to help you control your reactions and choose your response. Cultivate kindness by doing something nice for someone else. Use positive self-talk.

5. Enhance social connections.

What can you do to create more meaningful and productive relationships? Ask a colleague for advice, give positive feedback, or share something you recently learned about yourself.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

"What's Your Leadership Vision?


Share Your Goals and Inspire Others"

Are you ready to take charge of your leadership position and make a positive impact on the world? Let's start by creating your personal leadership vision. Think about the moments in your life that have shaped who you are today, and how those experiences have influenced your values and leadership style.

Once you've identified those key moments and values, it's time to create a compelling personal leadership vision statement. This statement should describe the kind of leader you want to become and the impact you hope to make in the next 10 years. By having a clear and focused vision, you can set yourself up for success and inspire others to do the same.

So, what's your leadership vision? Share your goals in the comments below and inspire others to do the same. Let's create a community of leaders who are driven by purpose and passion, and who are committed to making a positive impact on the world.

Examples of leadership visions can include:

"To become a leader who empowers and inspires others to reach their full potential, while making a positive impact on the environment."
"To create a company that prioritizes employee well-being and work-life balance, while driving innovation and success in the tech industry."
"To become a thought leader in my field and use my platform to advocate for social justice and equality."

Benefits of having a clear leadership vision include:

Increased motivation and focus
Better decision-making and problem-solving
Stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment
Inspiring and guiding others towards a shared goal
Creating a positive impact on the world.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Monday, October 21, 2024

How to promote a collaborative work environment


Teams can choose to work either way – in collaboration or in competition.

The latter creates an impression of battle lines being drawn and soldiers of war parading to show their individual strengths against each other. Healthy competition can allow members to raise their bar but with the term ‘competition’ you never know when the prefix ‘healthy’ changes to ‘unhealthy’.

The power of collaboration

To me, the word ‘collaboration’ ticks the right boxes and strikes the right chords. Why? For one, the connotation of the word is just so beautiful, “let me commingle with you and in doing so help both of us become better than we were when separate”. A Collaborative work environment facilitates a very fruitful exchange of perspectives and gives the concept of ideation optimum wing-span.

Collaboration encourages a healthy exchange of ideas

A company which collaborates, keeping shy of hierarchical differences, often gains from the beautiful arrangement. A stray thought, randomly put by one of the low-rank employees changes the fortune of the company and its stocks shoot up in a fortnight….all because it chose to put merit before hierarchy and fostered the collaborative spirit.

Two people can together do better than the sum of their individual capacities

Even if you are not as lucky as an organisation that has its fortunes changed by such stray thought, the healthy collective pool of ideas will definitely define key strategies for you in foreseeable future. Just as I mentioned a little earlier, the mantra is simple. I can do something okay enough and so can you…if we converge on it, we will be doing it better than the sum of our individual capacities.

Haven’t CEOs found, time and again, that two workers with individual capacities of x units (measurable variable) each can often deliver tasks of 3x unit capacity when together? Such is the force of collaboration.

Teams that collaborate keep things transparent

I think, before anything, the ambiance of the organisation needs to be just right. There is an air of transparency within teams which genuinely collaborate. No one is busy hiding his/her flaws; no one resists a public scrutiny.

Contrarily, there is a genuine desire to be instructed by another member at times one goes wrong. When members assume others as unofficial custodians of their talent, they start being more receptive to feedback. And just like a 360 degree approach it helps!

What methods do you employ to foster team spirit?

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Saturday, October 19, 2024

What Is Mentoring?


Mentoring is a reciprocal and collaborative at-will relationship that most often occurs between a senior and junior employee for the purpose of the mentee’s growth, learning, and career development. Often the mentor and mentee are internal to an organization, and there is an emphasis on organizational goals, culture, career goals, advice on professional development, and work-life balance. Effective mentors often act as role models and sounding boards for their mentee and provide guidance to help them reach their goals.

Mentoring can be formal or informal. In an informal environment, mentees set goals, but they are usually not measurable and the relationships are unstructured. For a formal mentoring relationship, there are actionable and measurable goals defined and set with determined requirements.

Mentoring is not coaching and not counseling. Mentoring relationships are based upon advice giving and direction while coaching is not. Counseling is a paid-relationship in which underlying mental or psychological issues are addressed with solutions given by a medical professional.

Mentoring Techniques or Models

One-on-One Mentoring: This type of mentoring is the most traditional of all the types of mentoring. Only the mentor and mentee are involved in this type of mentoring, and it is usually a more-experienced individual paired with a less-experienced or much younger mentee.

Group Mentoring: In this model, one or several mentors work with a group of mentees. Schools and youth programs often apply this model because there may not be enough time or resources to have one mentor for each participant.

Peer Mentoring: Participants in this model are from the same role or department or have shared or similar experiences, whether in their professional or personal lives. These peers pair up to offer support for each other. This can be a group or a one-on-one mentoring relationship.

Distance or E-Mentoring
: With such advanced technology, the mentorship relationship no longer has to be face-to-face. Using online software or even email, participants in this type of mentoring can connect virtually without losing the personal touch.

Reverse Mentoring: This mentoring relationship is flipped from the traditional model. Instead of a senior professional mentoring a more junior employee, the junior employee mentors a more senior professional. This relationship is usually for the younger or more junior professional to teach the skills or a new application or technology to the more senior one.

Speed Mentoring: This type of mentoring is a play on speed dating and usually occurs as part of a corporate event or conference. The mentee has a series of one-on-one conversations with a set of different mentors and usually moves from one mentor to the next after a brief meeting. The mentee should come prepared with questions for advice from the senior level professionals.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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Friday, October 18, 2024

How to Be an Empathetic Leader

As our world continues to change, rapidly what remains the same is the need for leaders to be empathetic. While empathy has always been a key trait for a successful leader, it is even more important today. Empathetic leaders can understand and share the feelings of others, allowing them to build strong relationships, foster collaboration, and create a positive work environment. People are facing more challenges in their lives today than ever before while many organizations have leaders with little or no experience of what it takes to lead during difficult times. The dictionary describes empathy as the ability to feel what another person is feeling. To be able to do so, leaders require a frame of reference and many do not have that frame of reference. Organizations employing people have a responsibility to do their best to play a part in helping employees be whole. While no organization is expected to take full responsibility for employees' lives, those organizations that do prioritize their employee's well-being reap the benefits of a more engaged, committed, and loyal workforce. A March 2023 Deloitte study showed that empathy has become increasingly more important as many workplaces transition to a hybrid environment and that a manager's emotional intelligence and empathy were ranked in the survey of 1,274 employees as the most critical elements in fostering stronger ways of working in a hybrid environment. With this in mind, if you are a leader seeking to be more empathetic you should:

Be In-tuned to Your Own Feelings: Empathetic leadership starts with a leader being aware of his or her feelings. Great leaders have their pulse on their own emotions, biases, areas for improvement, and strengths. Understanding their own emotions will allow a leader to role model behaviors that help employees feel psychologically safe in the workplace. Individuals in-tuned with their own emotions will also be better at empathizing with the feelings and experiences of others. Leaders can start to cultivate a stronger focus on showing empathy in the workplace by being deliberate about self-care. This could include acts such as practicing mindfulness, pausing daily for gratitude, and taking time to strategically seek ways to be more present in and out of the workplace. Self-awareness can also be achieved through active listening and seeking feedback. Giving employees undivided attention and asking questions, in a non-judgmental way, will build trust and foster an environment of openness.

Being deliberate about showing employees that their feelings are valuable and that there is a real interest in listening and absorbing what is being shared, will go a long way in helping the employee feel valued and appreciated. One question that sometimes arises from leaders is: “How can I be a better leader?” This question is usually focused on the business. The focus being intentionally on how to increase revenue, how to get the right visibility to senior leaders, and how to make a difference in the organization and the community. Too many leaders do not consider their ability to effectively lead their teams as an important factor in how they measure their success. When I've had the opportunity to mentor and coach leaders, I take the time to probe and attempt to learn about their ability to effectively lead a team, and I sometimes find myself reminding leaders that employees are looking to them to demonstrate what good looks like and therefore it is important to be self-aware and be deliberate about showing employees how they are feeling. Some leaders make the mistake of pointing to others in the workplace as role models and not being deliberate about role-modeling behaviors themselves. Leadership starts with role modeling and some of the ways that leaders can increase their empathetic capabilities is by being vulnerable and showing employees that they too have feelings and that the employee's feelings are valid and accepted.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelo

Be a Champion of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity: Empathetic leaders create an inclusive environment where everyone can feel valued, heard, respected, and appreciated. A leader who is deliberate about embracing all employees will gain support and earn the trust of their employees. Employees will feel safe and secure in a working environment where a leader actively removes biases from business practices and does not tolerate inequality of any kind. Great leaders surround themselves with diverse talent and do not stop only at hiring underrepresented groups. A leader with a diverse mindset spends time getting to know employees that represent a group he or she knows little about. In addition to a deliberate focus on inclusion, empathetic leaders ensure that others in the organization are behaving in ways that include all employees, develop and promote underrepresented employees and celebrate employee wins consistently, across all employee groups. Fostering an environment that ensures employees can feel included and accepted will drive engagement, retention, and an overall sense of belonging. Employees who feel that they belong will work harder to stay on the team and support the leader's success, therefore building a stronger organization.

One of Maya Angelo's famous quotes is "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." When people think about how others have made them feel over the years, it stands out. There are very specific details that go along with feelings and therefore leaders must always be self-aware. Empathetic leaders actively promote diversity and embrace different perspectives. This involves creating opportunities for diverse voices to be heard, encouraging collaboration, and ensuring fair treatment for all employees. Brene Brown was quoted as saying "True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are". By fostering an inclusive environment, leaders allow employees to be themselves, which cultivates a sense of belonging and trust among their teams.

Leaders seeking to increase the diversity of their teams should know the numbers. What percentage of the employee population matches the customer demographics? How far off are the organization's diversity numbers from the industry? Having those answers can help the leader set goals to increase diverse representation in the organization. When setting goals to improve inclusion, equity, and diversity, it is important to set bold goals, communicate them to all employees, and ask all employees to play a role in achieving the success of the goals. Involving the employee population will help hold leaders accountable and also very clearly inform employees of the organization's stance and intentions. Empathetic leaders employ diverse perspectives and are actively seeking ways to learn about, support, and empower various groups of people.

“True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are" Brene Brown

Show That You Really Care: If empathy is a check-the-box exercise it will become evident to employees. People can sense when an individual is being genuine in their actions and will quickly recognize leadership behaviors that feign authenticity. Empathy is built upon the ability to see things from another person's perspective. Empathetic leaders practice perspective-taking by imagining themselves in someone else's shoes and understanding their experiences, challenges, and emotions. This enables leaders to make more informed decisions, offer appropriate support, and address individual needs effectively. Empathetic leaders genuinely care about the well-being of their employees. They invest the time necessary to make personal connections with individuals.

Leaders seeking to better understand their team should spend time learning about employee's aspirations, and provide support and the guidance necessary for their development. Not every employee aspiration is realistic and therefore the leader will need time to be prepared to provide feedback that resets expectations. Regular check-ins also help leaders learn more about their employees, provide meaningful feedback, reset expectations, and support the employee's journey toward a realistic career goal. Professional advancement comes in different forms and through regular two-way communication, the employee-leader relationship will no doubt be strengthened. By showing genuine care about, and support for employee’s development, leaders foster a sense of trust and loyalty within their teams.

There is so much more to a person than their role within an organization. Leaders are encouraged to also be curious, and ask the right questions. How an employee is doing is an important question, which is many times met with "I am fine", a leader could accept that and move on to addressing the most critical item for the business for that period of time. Many employees seek a leader who can recognize where they are holding back and need additional probing. Therefore, a leader might ask questions such as "How are you feeling today?" "Is there anything that you need from me?" "How can I help you?". These questions will inspire a different response. Showing the human side, and mixing curiosity with an ability to express feelings, will go a long way for employees. Though there might be something very important going on in the business, leaders should seek to be open to rescheduling meetings, ending some early, or repurposing a meeting to focus on a personal employee topic, if and when the need arises. It could make a big difference for one individual, and it can also extend beyond that individual. Pausing to recognize and acknowledge feelings, will help leaders address opportunities for improvement. Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another's position. Take the time to learn about each employee, placing oneself in their shoes.

Leaders have a business to run, and it is a reality that there is a need to meet and exceed company metrics. However, pausing to show empathy, taking the time to be the leader that put employees first, and a leader that takes the time to understand their people, will go a long way. It will also strengthen the workforce, increase the value employees put on their role in the organization, and build trusting and loyal employees. Empathetic leadership is about leading by example and practicing what is preached. Strong leaders embody empathy in their actions and take the time to inspire others to do the same. Role modeling empathy involves open and clear communication, being vulnerable, and being authentic, especially when the stakes are high. Leading by example reinforces the importance of empathy in the workplace and sets the tone for a more diverse, positive, open, and caring organizational culture. The best leaders are empathetic; they are self-aware, inclusive and always pause to show that they care. A leader who cultivates these qualities creates a workplace where empathy thrives, relationships are valued, collaboration is the norm, and overall the organization is successful.

Website: International Research Awards on leadership and Management

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