Who would not want to be a leader in any organization? Many of them rather all of them who have just begun their career and want to grow through the hierarchy from being an effective team leader to a manager to a CEO. It should be in one’s determination to become a leader and when you see yourself as a leader you are already one. However, to become a successful team leader and play an efficient role in managing a team, there are few characteristics and responsibilities that an individual should be equipped with. If you are a team leader and are looking forward to being successful in the role, we provide you a few tips that can help you in your success. Below are the 5C’s
1) Communication
As a team leader, you should be an effective communicator, broadly speaking, you should over-communicate. Whenever you have a new member joining your team, you can communicate with them making them comfortable with the team, building a nice work environment, and sharing the work plan and the work process with them. Be transparent in explaining what you expect from them, share your opinions and tell them that you want them to learn and perform as part of the work.
2) Continuous Interaction
Continuous interaction and communication may sound similar or look similar, but they aren’t. Continuous interaction requires communicating too often with the team members regarding the work, helping them out in resolving any issues that can not be done at a player level. It also needs one to ask questions and take on the unpleasant tasks on behalf of the entire team and this will surely make you earn respect in the eyes of the team members.
3) Cooperation
You have a team and each member of your team is a distinguished player. Your job is now to identify the member who could justify the particular role in your team and then assign. Taking a wrong decision or assigning a right role to a wrong person or a wrong role to a right person may end up in chaos. A team leader should cooperate with his team members in asking and discussing with them as what they actually want to do, their relative experience in a respective role and their expertise in it. This would further help him in making better decisions concerning his team.
4) Coordination
Leading a team marks a great step forward in your career. And the right approach in leading the team in a right way will help you find success. A leader’s success is majorly found in the entire success of the team and celebrating the individual’s success. To achieve this, he should support the members in their most critical times and failures. If any member comes forward with a complaint or grievance against his team person, he should give proper attention and assure employees that their concerns are being heard. He should coordinate with them to come up with the best ways to address team player’s complaints and manage their outcomes. In case of any mistakes, don’t simply blame or criticise them but work to fix them instead.
5) Collaboration
A leader is a one who generally works alongside with his team. If you want to contribute to the success of the team, you should be at the forefront in doing the things that you want to get done from the team members. Work in collaboration with the team to execute a perfect vision that will further deliver the desired results.
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