Thursday, August 22, 2024

How can organ­i­sa­tions build a cul­ture of employ­ee empow­er­ment? Fol­low these 10 prin­ci­ples to boost motivation.


Employ­ee empow­er­ment is a top­ic that is increas­ing­ly impor­tant to CEOs, man­agers and busi­ness­es across every indus­try. This is due, in no small part, to the fact that empow­ered employ­ees are huge­ly ben­e­fi­cial to a com­pa­ny in a num­ber of ways.

So why is employ­ee empow­er­ment impor­tant in the first place? The ben­e­fits of empow­er­ing employ­ees include:Increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

  • More dis­cre­tionary effort.
  • Reduced vol­un­tary turnover.
  • More com­mit­ment to the organisation.
  • Improved com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Employ­ee empow­er­ment involves giv­ing employ­ees​increased auton­o­my and deci­sion-mak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty. If you’re look­ing to moti­vate employ­ees and boost per­for­mance, this is some­thing you should look to encour­age in all areas of your organisation.

Over the years, Clear Review has worked with hun­dreds of com­pa­nies to improve employ­ee per­for­mance, and we have seen first-hand what works and what doesn’t in rela­tion to employ­ee empow­er­ment. Below are ten prin­ci­ples that are vital and nec­es­sary to estab­lish employ­ee empow­er­ment in a company.

1. A Shared Vision for Your Company’s Future

Employ­ee empow­er­ment can only be suc­cess­ful when your staff feels part of some­thing big­ger than itself — when it can see the big­ger pic­ture. Let your employ­ees in on the company’s goals and over­all vision of the future. Once your employ­ees are famil­iar with your strate­gic plans, they will be able to make deci­sions to sup­port these plans in their day-to-day roles.

2. Uni­fied and Aligned Goals and Objectives

If your employ­ees are clear on the direc­tion of your com­pa­ny, goal set­ting will be much more effec­tive. At Clear Review, we rec­om­mend using the 5As approach to goal set­ting. This means goals should be:Aligned: Employ­ee objec­tives should align with, and dri­ve, wider team organ­i­sa­tion­al goals
Agile: Goals should be near-term and reviewed at a cadence to keep it rel­e­vant and meaningful
Assess­able: Goals must be clear­ly mea­sured and you know when you have achieved it
Account­able: To tru­ly empow­er employ­ees, we need to give employ­ees the auton­o­my to cre­ate these objec­tives them­selves, with the sup­port and guid­ance of their man­ag­er. This shared own­er­ship will result in increased account­abil­i­ty of objec­tives with­in their control.
Aspi­ra­tional: Goals should be stretch­ing but achiev­able and deliv­ery would dri­ve high performance.

3. Encour­age­ment of Self-Improvement

When your employ­ees are active­ly encour­aged to learn new skills and devel­op exist­ing ones, it’s bet­ter for the com­pa­ny as a whole. It will also give employ­ees the added con­fi­dence to explore new avenues and make bold­er deci­sions, as they are bet­ter equipped to do so and feel sup­port­ed by man­age­ment. To show your employ­ees that this is some­thing you gen­uine­ly care about — rather than sim­ply pay lip-ser­vice to — sit down with them dur­ing per­for­mance dis­cus­sions and peri­od­i­cal­ly agree on spe­cif­ic per­son­al devel­op­ment objec­tives for them to achieve.

4. A Sense of Trust, Con­fi­dence and Security

For employ­ee engage­ment to be suc­cess­ful, your team mem­bers need to be giv­en auton­o­my, and man­age­ment must show that they trust their employ­ees to make deci­sions. No two employ­ees will work in the same way, so man­agers should learn to take a step back and allow their employ­ees to per­form the func­tions of their roles in a way that is most effi­cient for them. Equal­ly, employ­ees need to feel secure in their roles — they can’t be con­cerned that if they make a mis­take, they will be blamed for it. For com­pa­nies to inno­vate and grow, employ­ees need to be able to make errors and learn from them.
5. Trans­paren­cy in All Areas

Com­pa­ny trans­paren­cy shouldn’t begin and end with goals, objec­tives and com­pa­ny direc­tion. Trans­paren­cy is crit­i­cal to the run­ning of a mod­ern organ­i­sa­tion, as well as the devel­op­ment of empow­ered employ­ees. If your employ­ees are in the dark with regards to any aspect of your com­pa­ny, they won’t be able to act in a way that tru­ly ben­e­fits your busi­ness. If you haven’t done so already, insti­gate an open-door pol­i­cy, make your com­pa­ny strat­e­gy and val­ues clear and pro­vide employ­ees with the mech­a­nisms to have their com­­pa­ny-relat­ed ques­tions answered. This will ensure that they have all of the infor­ma­tion they need to make thought­ful decisions.
6. A Will­ing­ness to Del­e­gate Work and Responsibility

Employ­ees can only grow and become more empow­ered when man­age­ment trusts them to take on more work and respon­si­bil­i­ty. Chal­lenge employ­ees, and show them you have faith in their abil­i­ties by del­e­gat­ing tasks (with­in clear guide­lines). It might feel uncom­fort­able to relin­quish con­trol, but by clear­ly explain­ing what is expect­ed, what the suc­cess­ful out­comes should be and who to get help from if need­ed, the risk is min­imised. And the reward in terms of com­mit­ment from the employ­ee will be more than worth it.

In his book The Hap­py Man­i­festo, Hen­ry Stew­art takes this fur­ther and intro­duces the con­cept of​“pre-approval” — giv­ing peo­ple the author­i­ty to imple­ment some­thing with­out fur­ther man­age­ment approval or sign-off. Stew­art points out that, with this approach, employ­ees take more own­er­ship of the result, which leads to high­er qual­i­ty out­put. We’ve recent­ly start­ed doing this our­selves at Clear Review, and it real­ly is a game-changer.

7. Fre­quent Feed­back Discussions

To cre­ate a strong and empow­er­ing feed­back cul­ture, man­agers and employ­ees should have reg­u­lar feed­back dis­cus­sions. This is crit­i­cal to the devel­op­ment of an agile organ­i­sa­tion. When per­for­mance dis­cus­sions are more reg­u­lar in nature, employ­ees become more con­fi­dent and feel bet­ter equipped to make deci­sions that ben­e­fit the com­pa­ny. These dis­cus­sions are even more effec­tive when they are com­ple­ment­ed by real-time feed­back — giv­en in-the-moment as events occur — using per­for­mance man­age­ment tech­nol­o­gy as an enabler
8. The Abil­i­ty to Learn from Problems

When a prob­lem occurs or an employ­ee isn’t per­form­ing to stan­dard, it is impor­tant to look at what can be learned or improved. Rather than sim­ply chastis­ing the employ­ee, work with them to under­stand how things could have been done dif­fer­ent­ly and what would make it bet­ter next time. It might be that a work process needs to be altered or fur­ther train­ing needs to be offered.

When man­agers take a coach­ing approach and ask the ques­tions rather than pro­vid­ing the answers, more often than not, employ­ees are able to work out the answers for themselves.

9. An Hon­est Exchange of Ideas

In a healthy organ­i­sa­tion, feed­back needs to go both ways. Employ­ees need to know how they are per­form­ing and how to improve, but this is also the case for man­agers and com­pa­nies as a whole. Feed­back should be solicit­ed from employ­ees on how com­pa­ny process­es can be improved, how pro­duc­tiv­i­ty could be increased and how their man­ag­er can bet­ter sup­port them. This shows your employ­ees that their opin­ions are valued.

10. A Com­pa­ny That Recog­nis­es and Rewards Its Employees

You can’t expect to have a team of empow­ered employ­ees when they feel under-com­pen­sat­ed, under-appre­­ci­at­ed or under-praised. Employ­ee recog­ni­tion is an impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion and one that should be a core ele­ment of your per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or mon­ey, but a lit­tle bit of praise can go a long way.

Clear Review can help you build an agile, empow­ered and pro­duc­tive organ­i­sa­tion. Book a vir­tu­al per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware demo today and get a no-oblig­a­tion walk­through of our platform.

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